Tuesday, 18 October 2011

A thank you to the fans !!

At Mister Singh's we like to make sure that as soon as our customers walk through our doors, they have not only the best food available, but the best service too. And like any other businesses who take pride in their trade, we always appreciate when people take the time to get in touch with us, to tell us about their time at Mister Singh's.

Since joining social media, engaging with our loyal fans has never been easier (except from when they are in the restaurant of course) but with social media so accessible via mobile phones and tablet devices etc. our fans can connect with us pretty much whenever they choose.

That's why we appreciate all feedback we get, it means people have taken their time to talk to us. It gives us an opportunity to give them the best service we can offer, not only in when they come to the restaurant, but when they engage with us online as well.

To finish off we would just like to thank everyone for their kind words, and we will continue to give you the best service and food that you all deserve. 

Follow us on FACEBOOK.

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